Monday, September 14, 2015

34km of Uphills and Downhills Conquered at Caliraya 360

Unofficial Time: 5:23:55

I have not posted here in a while. Work has been bugging me around for the past two weeks. Yet I managed to do workouts, for at least once a week, just to shake off some stress and keep my sanity intact.

Before this race, I was thinking that this should be relaxed since it's shorter than a marathon and I was anticipating a beautiful scenery. But though I was warned, I underestimated the route.

Caliraya didn't failed me with the green fields, trees, fresh air, and refreshing views of mountain and lakes. The weather was also perfect. The sun hide behind the clouds. But what we are not all prepared ourselves for was the killer zigzag hills. 

It was generally hills all the way. It started with uphills and a very short alternating 100m flats and ended with a very long downhill. This is a perfect route to break your knees. So we run very carefully. Though we take it slow, it still drained us out.

Selfie break!

We aim to finish 1km at a time. We reached the 26km mark at 4 hours. This pace is quite funny and unusual. 8km more sounds easy, but this was when we started walking more. Because the downhills are killing our knees. But just like any other race, quitting is not a option. We were given a sweet, almost 1km flat road on the side of Caliraya Lake. Probably, to take a break and recharge a bit for more downhills ahead. And because we are will powered, we survived! Hurrah!

It was slow and painful, yet I am thankful and happy and injured free! :)

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